Sunday, September 26, 2004

For his comeback, The Captain would like to offer a present to his readers. I've got ten Gmail invites to give to the first pirates who post their email and a cool message in the comments section of this article.


Patrick said...

Finally Back!! I want gmail! [email protected]

3:28 PM  
Anonymous said...

yehaaaa, the captain is back! sorry, i got no good slogan at the moment, it is too early in the morning *zzzz* but i want gmail: [email protected]


2:30 AM  
Anonymous said...


2:33 AM  
Bobdogg said...

I was begining to think you went down with the ship! Glad your back Captain! [email protected]

3:58 AM  
Kazzz said...

Good to see your back Captain. You rock!
[email protected]

4:52 AM  
Anonymous said...

Hope ya had fun capitain. btw, South African chicks rock, hope ya picked up some nice ass while you were there. Your site is awesome too. [email protected]

4:59 AM  
Captain Cum said...

7 invites left...

5:01 AM  
Anonymous said...

I just found your site a few weeks ago and it was an instant bookmark. Been waiting for you to come back since. Let the T&A commence!

[email protected] (for gmail invite)

6:18 AM  
Anonymous said...

Hooray the captain is back!! How was South Africa? I would like g-mail please!

[email protected]

7:45 AM  
Anonymous said...

aye aye, is that the captain's cum on her lips? Glad to see that you've been busy whilst away!
[email protected]

11:49 AM  
bothered said...

Found your site on your hiatus and was an instant bookmark. Glad you are back!

[email protected] for gmail

2:01 PM  
Anonymous said...

finally back! gmail! [email protected]

3:19 PM  
Anonymous said...

Sailing the pussea just hasn't been the same without the Cap'n at the wheel!

I'd love one of those Gmail invites at [email protected]!

3:47 PM  
Kev said...

Email: [email protected]

Hey, long time no see! I want Gmail!!

12:20 AM  
Captain Cum said...

The contest is over! Congrats to the new gmail users!

2:37 AM  

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