Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Captain will be in South Africa during the month of August. I'll come back in September, mightier than ever. I want to thank the mighty pirates that support the site and sail the pussea with me. Take care my friends and don't forget to visit my comrades at Phun, Exbyte and College Sucks, as well as all the people that made the internet a cool place to be (see my friends list). Have fun, I'll be back soon!
prOn - Because you're worth it


Anonymous said...

have fun in south africa!
and be careful! ;)

/cayne -

4:13 PM  
Vic Diamond said...

Nice vacation, man! Grtz Vic

2:50 AM  
Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy the trip Captain.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous said...


Completely new here, coming from a friendly Coolio's link. Great Blog!!!

Can somebody tell me who this girl is?



10:42 AM  
Anonymous said...


New here, coming in from a Coolio's link. Great blog!

Can anyone tell me who the girl in the picture is?



7:48 AM  
Anonymous said...

Captain Cum rules!! :)
Btw. did you know that a german magazine mentioned your website?

Scroll down a bit.

And they mentioned your website in the print-issue too.


4:27 PM  
Anonymous said...

It's Sept.15th. Where's the captain?

7:16 PM  
Anonymous said...

I'm finally back! Sorry for the late return but Africa is a dream place for pirates :-)
It's cool to be mentioned in a magazine but unfortunately they mispelled the adress of the site, it .cc not .com

1:41 PM  
Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double post/comment: for some reason the comments didn't update for me until the Captain came back... Welcome back!


P.S. I'd still like to know the name of that girl!!! :-D

1:30 PM  

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