Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Just in case you still didn't download the Severina Vuckovic sex tape, here are some vidcaps to convince you to do it now. It's really worth your time. Check my previous post about the Czech pop star for download instructions and for some interesting info about this sex scandal.


Dr. said...

Hey Cap'n, thanks for your nice comments over on my site . . . just saw your page and it's cool, will add it to our sexblogs list post-haste . . .

9:02 AM  
Anonymous said...

j aime j aime j aime
elle est parfaite
enfin heu .........physiquement

je dis bravo


9:11 AM  
Captain Cum said...

Is it Dr. Menlo? I really like your site. It's an honor to be listed there.

7:56 AM  
Anonymous said...

I couldn't find shit on Emule, dude.
--Anonymous Outsider

1:00 PM  
Captain Cum said...

Mmm... you didn't find the file or was it slow? The name of the file is:
Severina in action_xxx_total_porn_action

The download time can be slow so you may have to let you computer download the file while sleeping. But it's worth it :-)

4:38 PM  

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